
A SOHO team consisted of 7 severe Spinal Cord

A SOHO team consisted of 7 severe Spinal Cord Injured (SCI) computer experts, who lived in different locations in Taiwan, was formed in March 2001. 飛鷹人是由七位重殘資訊工作者組成,居住在台灣各地,以居家就業方式工作。 These people work together on the Internet and call themselves Eaglefly (E-fly). 他們悠遊在網路中,稱呼自己是「飛鷹人」。 The mission of E-fly is to develop an effective on-line vocational training and working model to demonstrate the possibility and ability of people with severe disabilities to get trained and work at homeas a group to execute technically-complicated IT tasks. 飛鷹人的宗旨在發展有效的遠距職訓及居家就業模式,向世人展示重殘者在家依舊可以參與職訓,可以虛擬團隊方式工作,並可執行專業複雜的資訊任務。台北市內湖路一段123號2樓 This is how we work on air ... 我們在空中是這樣工作的 .... E-fly is capable of providing web-site surveying, marketing, promoting, analyzing, planning and designing. E-fly also aim to utilize IT skill to participate in social events, especially those concerning non-profit campaigns. 飛鷹人專長於:線上調查、行銷、推廣、分析、規劃、設計等網路工作。飛鷹人運用資訊能力參與社會活動,特別重視公益的事件。 In recent years, E-fly earns reputation as professional e-Learning e-tutors. E-fly also administer a successful accessible e-Learning school, called EDS, destined to serve people with disabilities. 近年來,飛鷹人在數位學習線上帶領之專業領域表現,深獲好評。飛鷹人經營一所數位學校,名為「圓夢學園」,是一所專為身心障礙者所設計的數位學習學校。 E-fly won an "e-Marketing Special